We had some new guests on the boat last week. Mike and Sharon Boyle came from Irvine and met us in Charleston, South Carolina at the Mega Dock.
And it IS MEGA! I'm not sure how they ever found us. Luckily we got a slip closer to the gate this year, so it was easier for me to make it to the end of the dock in the morning for my first walk of the day without having an "accident" like I did last year.
They looked happy to finally find us after the long trip.
They got right into the boat lifestyle rhythm and pretty soon they were feeling right at home on our floating house. Here's Mike...Looks like he owns the joint!
They jumped right in and took a tour of Charleston's historic old houses and the waterfront.
No trip to Charleston would be complete without a stop at the big marketplace downtown, where they sell everything imaginable. They say it used to be a Slave Market. We didn't see any slaves for sale, but we did find the most popular spots were the stalls where ladies weave and sell sweet-grass baskets. The art of basket-weaving is passed down through the families from West African slaves. They were pretty expensive...some are real fancy and take several days to make by hand. I'm glad they figured how to get paid.
Here's Sharon trying on hats to find the perfect one for her southern vacation. They sure had a bunch there to choose from. There weren't any there that fit me.
Shopping made us hungry, so we stopped for Izzy's favorite lunch of She Crab Soup, then more walking through the old town of Charleston.
You have to be careful where you step after the horse and carriages go by. They don't use the pick-up bags like Izzy does for me.
More shopping opportunities across the street.
When They got home for "five o'clock somewhere", Sharon put on her new hat. Looks like she should be holding a Mint Julip!
That night I was on Guard Dog Duty while they went out for pizza. Here's Sharon with some old guy that I guess they met. Looks like he was fascinated by her shirt... or something.
Our trip north started the next day with a lot of picture taking. This is the Cable Ferry that takes cars and people
across the ICW.

I kept my fingers crossed that Jeff wouldn't snag the cable and drag that thing behind us up the channel like he did with that fishing boat in the Bahamas.
A lot of the trees here are covered with Spanish moss that hangs like a big grey beard from the branches.
across the ICW.
I kept my fingers crossed that Jeff wouldn't snag the cable and drag that thing behind us up the channel like he did with that fishing boat in the Bahamas.
A lot of the trees here are covered with Spanish moss that hangs like a big grey beard from the branches.
Sharon had a birds-eye view from the flybridge
while Jeff talked Mike into driving so he could take a break.
Jeff wasted no time in handing Mike lots of other chores too - like hooking up the water and electricity
and swabbin' the deck
and looks like he even had to fend off our boat from the dock here!
I guess Izzy got off pretty easy while he was on board, cause that's usually what Captain Bligh..uh, I mean Jeff... makes her do.
Sharon was pretty smart. She put on the "crew shirt" and pretended to be reading the navagation charts so she could stay out of the way! ( I taught her that!)
We soon arrived in Georgetown, South Carolina and circled around the shallow harbor looking for Jeff's favorite spot...a FREE anchorage! He was having trouble locating one that wouldn't leave us high and dry when the tide went down. Izzy was out on the foredeck looking rather anxious when a nice man on the shore called to us to pull up to the dock by the park right at the center of town.

Turns out that he owned the "Big Tuna" Restaurant on the dock, and much of the rest of the waterfront property in town. He told us that if anyone gave us a hard time about docking there, "tell em' to come talk to Bucky."
That lucky Jeff...a FREE dock right in the center of town, steps away from the restaurants, and an easy jaunt for me to the park!
Big Tuna, here we come...Five-o'clock-somewhere starts now!
Turns out that he owned the "Big Tuna" Restaurant on the dock, and much of the rest of the waterfront property in town. He told us that if anyone gave us a hard time about docking there, "tell em' to come talk to Bucky."
That lucky Jeff...a FREE dock right in the center of town, steps away from the restaurants, and an easy jaunt for me to the park!
Big Tuna, here we come...Five-o'clock-somewhere starts now!
and drinks, of course.
Here's a shot of Mike and Jeff hangin' out with Bucky, wearing their new "Big Tuna" hats. (Izzy has an annoying habit of taking pictures of me with just my butt showing...sorry.)
After dinner, Bucky brought us a gift of some fresh tuna - already cleaned - that were caught that afternoon on one of his 38 fishing boats. He even included some wasabi for sushi, and a big bucket of ice to keep the fish fresh for the night. Great guy, that Bucky.
I wonder who's gonna fillet those fish?? I'm glad I'm not too good with a knife.
Here they are heading back to the boat with Jeff's "fresh catch". (Seems that's the only way he's been able to catch fish!)
The morning brought a big rainstorm, but that didn't stop Mike and Sharon from going out exploring the town to get some breakfast and visit Kudzu's Bakery.
I was smart enough to stay back on the boat while they splashed through the puddles, and arrived sopping wet at Aunny's Restaurant. Here they are after Aunny gave them towels to dry off and fed them her special pancakes and sausage.

Soon the rain stopped and we untied from the dock and said good bye to Georgetown, SC and the Big Tuna.
Soon the rain stopped and we untied from the dock and said good bye to Georgetown, SC and the Big Tuna.
Sights along the way north-
Coffee colored water of the ICW
and beautiful moss covered trees shading southern mansions along the water's edge.
Pelicans sit in groups on the channel markers looking for fish, or maybe just doing some "boat watching."
A swinging bridge opened for us to pass.
We arrived in Grand Isle Marina, Myrtle Beach, SC and were greeted with a bottle of wine and a photo of our boat at the dock.
I guess Jeff gave Mike the short straw again, cause he was in the cockpit cutting up those big tuna.
Sharon helped Mike with the preparation without getting too close! (I told you she's smart)
Mike was the "Galley Wench" that night too - whipping up some really great seared tuna and wasabi for dinner.
Here's the finished product! I even got a taste.
The next day we grabbed a cab and headed to the beach for a walk along the boardwalk and in the sand at Myrtle Beach.
Jeff wanted to have his picture taken here in front of these girls for some reason.
It was Memorial Day Weekend and there was a big sand castle honoring the Veterans next to the restaurant where we had lunch.
Time to head on up the coast. More swing bridges to call on the radio to request an opening for us.
Here's Mike checking it out from the bow.
The day was hot and humid, and the sky began to turn grey. The dreaded Greenhead flies began to collect on our boat. They're about as big as a Buick and they bite, drawing blood and leaving us messy and itchy.
By mid afternoon we were having a swat fest using every flyswatter available, including the electric zapper (as seen on TV) - trying to keep the Greenheads from taking over the boat. If Jeff had been able to train them to do boat chores he would have been happier.
We sprayed ourselves with "Off" so the flies would dive-
bomb to within inches of our body before swerving away. They were so persistant and aggressive that we finally gave up and went inside to the lower helm to drive. Izzy zipped down our screens to keep them out.
The excitement wasn't over for the day, because soon the sky filled with giant black billowing clouds all around us. Jeff pulled up to a dock in Holden Beach, and we quickly tied up the "Izzy R" and watched the cloud show and rain storm. At least we got rid of the Greenheads!
After this picture, the rain started and Sharon took over the galley and made us one of her wonderful Italian dinners. No one seemed to mind the rain as we dined on "Pasta ala Sharon"!
The next morning we continued up the ICW through South Carolina, and passed lots of marshy land.
It has been hot and humid this week, and this marshy land in North Carolina is also home to mosquitoes and no-see-ums. So just as we get rid of the Greenhead flys in the afternoon, the mosquitos and no-see-ums come out at dusk and feast on unsuspecting tourists if they're foolish enough to be sitting out on their boat decks or porches enjoying five-o'clock-somewhere.
More "Off", followed by yips, slaps and finally surrender, with retreat to the cabin and a quick zip of the screens again.
Our next stop was in Southport, NC
Much to Jeff's chagrin, the FREE dock was taken, so we had to go to the marina to tie up.
We walked over to the home of our friends and Harbor Hosts, Robert and Kaye Creech and sat on their porch for a chat before heading into town. Southport has lots of cute touristy shops, antique stores, and the obligitory ice cream stand.

We hit them all. They even sniffed out a wine shop, if you can believe that...and Mike bought a couple of bottles of red. Looks like more party time on the "Izzy R".
That night I stayed back as the OWD (Official
Watch Dog) at the boat while they all went to Fishy Fishy for dinner.
We walked over to the home of our friends and Harbor Hosts, Robert and Kaye Creech and sat on their porch for a chat before heading into town. Southport has lots of cute touristy shops, antique stores, and the obligitory ice cream stand.
We hit them all. They even sniffed out a wine shop, if you can believe that...and Mike bought a couple of bottles of red. Looks like more party time on the "Izzy R".
That night I stayed back as the OWD (Official
Watch Dog) at the boat while they all went to Fishy Fishy for dinner.
When they came home they smelled a little fishy, all right. I wonder if they had some shrimp. You know, shrimping is a big business in Southport, NC. Look at all those little squirmers on that boat!
Well, actually we didn't really see this boat...I got that picture from the internet. ( I saw Izzy do that once) But I bet it would look like that if we'd been there earlier or something. Don't ya think?
In the morning we untied from the dock and headed out at "cruising time" (the crack of ten!) in the hot, humid air.
We had a short day on the water, passing beautiful Carolina Beach,
arriving at the Wrightsville Beach, NC marina in time for a late lunch at the Blue Water Grill over looking the marina and the ICW. We could watch the bascule bridge opening for the boat traffic as we relaxed.
Later Jeff and Mike splashed the dinghy, and we all took a ride around the harbor, finding the seafood market where we got fresh shrimp for dinner.
By the time we got back to the "Izzy R", it was
five–o’clock-somewhere in Wrightsville Beach.

In the morning we untied from the dock and headed out at "cruising time" (the crack of ten!) in the hot, humid air.
We had a short day on the water, passing beautiful Carolina Beach,
arriving at the Wrightsville Beach, NC marina in time for a late lunch at the Blue Water Grill over looking the marina and the ICW. We could watch the bascule bridge opening for the boat traffic as we relaxed.
Later Jeff and Mike splashed the dinghy, and we all took a ride around the harbor, finding the seafood market where we got fresh shrimp for dinner.
By the time we got back to the "Izzy R", it was
five–o’clock-somewhere in Wrightsville Beach.
Mike did his magic in the galley again that night with the Three-Shrimp Dinner
I hope Jeff doesn't work him too hard or he won't want to come back and cook for us again.
The next day, Mike took a bike ride into town, then we all hopped in a rental car and drove to Wilmington to see the Bellamy Mansion.
It's real big from my vantage point
and there are big trees all around it. I think there are squirrels here!
I guess they were locked out or something. I was inside with Mike taking pictures.
The kitchen was in a separate building. This is the walk way to the kitchen.
I think if I were living there I'd like to live in the kitchen.
The slaves had separate quarters. I guess Mike would be living there if it was up to Captain Bligh...er, Jeff.
This is the slaves' "poop deck". Different than mine on the "Izzy R". I think I like my grass better.
Back around front on the big porch, you can see Sharon. She has made herself right at home in the rocker, and looks like the lady of the manor there in her new southern hat.
Mint Julip, anyone?
Mint Julip, anyone?
We headed back to the boat so Mike and Sharon could pack up and catch their plane back to California before Jeff put them to work again.
I hope they'll come again to play with us. I could use a good home cooked meal once in a while.
Hope you enjoyed the South with us on the "Izzy R"!
I'll be here in Wrightsville Beach for a few more days while Izzy gets her sore fanny checked out. I think she's just faking it so she won't have to swab the deck anymore!
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