Hi All...Ben here, still in Lake Michigan,
It was almost Labor Day Weekend and we were trying to get to Grand Haven for a good spot on the Municipal Dock before the big crowds showed up, so we lifted the anchor from our calm spot in White Lake in Whitehall / Montague bright and early one morning only to find that our anchor had grown a beard in the middle of the night! Here's a picture of Jeff and Parke trying to give the Izzy R a shave before leaving that morning. Messy job. I stayed inside with Izzy and had pancakes.
We arrived in Grand Haven on a sunny Friday with Blue Arrow, and got the last two slips available at the Marina before the Labor Day weekend, because the big party time in the harbor was about to begin for this little town. We took a walk along the harbor, and Jeff and Izzy rode bikes around the town. Here is the harbor behind Izzy's head. "Izzy R" is parked in there somewhere.
They took a long bike ride looking for a grocery store, got kind of lost, and ended up at a Lake Michigan beach where they felt like they were back in California with the beautiful white sand and hundreds of sunbathers and swimmers.
On the way home they stopped at the bandstand on the waterfront and listened to some big band music with the locals and the tourists.
When it got dark we invited Jan and Nicoline for dessert on the back of our boat while we watched the famous Grand Haven water show with lights and music. Izzy tried to get pictures of that, but they turned out to be just fuzzy blobs. I found this one on a blog of someone else and copied it in here...pretty clever, eh?
People started gathering on the park lawn with their folding chairs and picnics just to watch the passing pleasure boats out for the holiday weekend.
Jeff was busy that morning thinking up boat projects for the "crew" to work on. Parke was a great sport and very helpful, but little did he know the nature of the project that the Captain would assign him that day. Here's a picture of Parke fixing my leaky "yard".
I don't know what Parke did to deserve this job, but poor guy spent several hours cleaning, screwing and gluing my poop deck, until it was just like new. I hope he gets a steak bone tonight.
Izzy and I knew the drill, so we escaped out the back way before Jeff could assign us any chores, and went to a wonderful Farmer's Market just up the Riverwalk. Here we picked out fresh peaches, plump tomatoes, green beans and blueberries all from the local farmers. We even bought some Michigan coffee beans roasted that very morning. I guess they were out of dog biscuits.
In the afternoon Parke took a tour of the town on the trolley and the bike. Jeff, Izzy and I sat up on the fly bridge and watched the boats, listened to music, barked at people passing by and read books in the sun with a cool one.
This is what we have been waiting for all this time. Summer at last, but it's already Labor Day!

When it got dark we invited Jan and Nicoline for dessert on the back of our boat while we watched the famous Grand Haven water show with lights and music. Izzy tried to get pictures of that, but they turned out to be just fuzzy blobs. I found this one on a blog of someone else and copied it in here...pretty clever, eh?
In the morning we had to leave the marina slip because someone else had reserved it, so we tied to the wall on the riverfront along with many other boats for a less expensive night. Jeff like that! We had front row seats to the parade of passing people walking by looking at the boats and making friends with us. I had a good time barking just enough to let them know I was in charge, but then I let them pet me if they wanted. Soon boats of all sizes began to cruise back and forth up and down the harbor much like the cars cruise on Van Nuys Boulevard back home in LA.
In this picture they are scurrying around the giant freighter that was trying to negotiate a tight turn to get out of the harbor.
Izzy and I knew the drill, so we escaped out the back way before Jeff could assign us any chores, and went to a wonderful Farmer's Market just up the Riverwalk. Here we picked out fresh peaches, plump tomatoes, green beans and blueberries all from the local farmers. We even bought some Michigan coffee beans roasted that very morning. I guess they were out of dog biscuits.

As if Grand Haven wasn't enough for Jeff on this party weekend, we untied the next morning (Labor Day) and started out for yet another port. This time it was a sunny day and we had a warm ride down the Lake Michigan coast
to Saugatuck on the Kalamazoo River.
We got there just in time to tie up at the marina and get into the dinghy
for a ride to the Labor Day party at the Cove.
This party is an annual event and was complete with a live rock n' roll band on a raft, about a bazillion little boats all rafted up

with people drinking and having a great time, and even a girl that Izzy called a pole dancer.
We have a pole on our boat too, but I've never seen Izzy or Jeff dance with it.

Saugatuck had a chain ferry that took people across the Kalamazoo River. Here are Jeff and Izzy going across when they were on their bike ride in town.
Some guy had to turn the crank by hand to carry the people across.
One night Nicoline and Jan invited Jeff and Izzy and Parke over to their boat for an Indonesian dinner. Izzy said Nicoline is a good cook. I had Kibbles and Bits.
Our next stop was at Benton Harbor - St.Josephs, Michigan. When we came through the entrance channel to the town, we saw the usual light house with the long elevated walkway to protect the workers form big waves washing over the breakwater on stormy days.
We tied up at the free wall where we stayed for two nights. It was a great spot for me because they have lots of Canadian Geese to chase. Izzy let me loose to run after a whole flock of them that were making themselves at home on the grass right near Blue Arrow. That was a great time! Those birds took off flying and squawking in all directions! Here's a picture of the nice park outside our boat with the weeping willow tree.
And this shows where Jan and Nicoline in "Blue Arrow" were parked in front of us. Notice there aren't any more geese...
When we walked in town we saw an unusual display of animals on the street corners. It kind of reminded me of that Catskill place with all the cats on display around town. Kind of creepy. I stayed close to Izzy when we walked on these streets. I don't know the laws here, but it looks like there's a stiff penalty for animals misbehaving. This poor lion had to stand there real still with that silly crown on his head showing his teeth. Rather humiliating for the King of the Jungle. Teeth look good though.
I don't even know what these animals are... and I'm not sure which is worse - standing still all that time, or wearing that doofy outfit. I'd let them loose if I knew how.

On our way out of the harbor, Izzy took a picture of this statue...I wonder what animal this used to be before they twisted it all up.
Well, we're on our way to a place Jeff calls "Chi Town" in a couple of days, so I'll write more when I find out what that is.
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